
The Pietzmoor bog has been a peat mining area and been drained. In the 1970's renaturation measurements (flooding) have started, nowadays it is a nature protectin area.


Schneverdingen, Germany




The Pietzmoor bog has been a peat mining area and been drained. In the 1970's renaturation measurements (flooding) have started, nowadays it is a nature protectin area.

Stormyr foto

Stormyr foto
Hoejmose © Biopix: A Neumann
Schneverdingen, Germany
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Träffar sedan 08/2003: 1.019.827.924

Gulsparv (Emberiza citrinella) Paroaria dominicana Skedstork (Platalea leucorodia) Fingermossa (Lepidozia reptans) Brachycereus nesioticus Storfläckig pärlemorfjäril    (Issoria lathonia) Omocestus viridulus Potamogeton lucens x perfoliatus

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