
Around noon 300 km North of polar circle during time of winter solstice: No sunrise, no sunset, only polar twilight for a few hours.


Inari, Finland




Around noon 300 km North of polar circle during time of winter solstice: No sunrise, no sunset, only polar twilight for a few hours.

Polar night foto

Polar night foto
Polar night © Biopix: A Neumann
Inari, Finland
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Polar night Foto 76518
Polar night Foto 71670
Polar night Foto 76520
Polar night Foto 76519
Polar night Foto 76517
Polar night Foto 76516
Polar night Foto 71669
Polar night Foto 71668
Polar night Foto 62789
Polar night Foto 62788
Polar night Foto 61975
Polar night Foto 61974

Träffar sedan 08/2003: 1.020.779.527

Hagtornsfjäril    (Aporia crataegi) Dvärgnäbbmus (Sorex minutus) Schizotus pectinicornis Klittviol (Viola tricolor ssp. curtisii) Brun kärrhök (Circus aeruginosus) stare (Sturnus vulgaris) Höst i skogen rapphöna (Perdix perdix)

Biopix - naturfoton/bilder