

Kalives, Crete, Greece



Parapholis incurva foto

Parapholis incurva foto
Parapholis incurva © Biopix: JC Schou
Kalives, Crete, Greece
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Parapholis incurva Foto 55743
Parapholis incurva Foto 55742
Parapholis incurva Foto 55741
Parapholis incurva Foto 55740
Parapholis incurva Foto 55739
Parapholis incurva Foto 55738
Parapholis incurva Foto 55737
Parapholis incurva Foto 55736

Gratis användning för skolor etc., Betalad användning 30-60 EUR / foto

Annual. Spike curved with spikelets sitting solitary embedded in the stem (rachis), one-flowered, with two glumes as long as the lemma. The leaves are flat or incurved and up to 6 cm long - often much shorter.

50,0 mm-25,0 cm

Parapholis incurva ( L. ) C.E.Hubb. Blumea, Suppl. 3: 14. 1946

Träffar sedan 08/2003: 985.818.621

Wahweap Bay kermesbär (Phytolacca acinosa) Hundtunga (Cynoglossum officinale) Yucca brevifolia Svartprickigt sälgfly    (Orthosia munda) Gräselefant    (Euthrix potatoria) Plateumaris discolor Haliotis tuberculata

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