

Hald Ege, Viborg, Danmark



Hieracium neopinnatifidum foto

Hieracium neopinnatifidum foto
Hieracium neopinnatifidum © Biopix: JC Schou
Hald Ege, Viborg, Danmark
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Hieracium neopinnatifidum Foto 88751
Hieracium neopinnatifidum Foto 88798
Hieracium neopinnatifidum Foto 88797
Hieracium neopinnatifidum Foto 88796
Hieracium neopinnatifidum Foto 88752

Gratis användning för skolor etc., Betalad användning 30-60 EUR / foto

This species is characterised by the indumentum of the inflorescence with numerous dark, unequal glandular hairs and long white hairs but almost no stellate hairs. Typical specimens shows a characteristic dentation of the leaves with alternating long and very short teeth.
In Denmark common throughout the country.

40,0 cm-1,10 m

Key literature: Danmarks Høgeurter - The Pilosella and Hieracium species of Denmark (Schou 2001)

Hieracium neopinnatifidum Pugsley
Pugsley, H. W., 1946: List of British species of Hieracium in Journal of Ecology 33:2 p. 346. Cambridge. Nom. nov. pro H. pinnatifidum (Lönnr. ex Dahlst.) Dahlst. i Dahlstedt, H., 1894: Bidrag till sydöstra Sveriges Hieracium-flora III.

Träffar sedan 08/2003: 985.370.815

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